Resonant Healing & Transformational Somatic-Centered Coaching with Sasha

  • Are you often in overwhelm, just putting one foot in front of the other as you manage your energy and capacity day to day?
  • Do you feel disconnected from your body, the people around you, and your own sense of possibility? 
  • Have you experienced a major life transition or loss that has left you feeling confused and disheartened about moving forward? 

If any of these - all of these - ring true for you, know this: you make sense.  And it doesn't have to be this way.

Resonant Healing and Transformational Embodiment Sessions with Sasha support you to get in touch with your deepest yearnings and intentions, and help you navigate the obstacles (internal and external, including trauma) that hold you back and keep you stuck and overwhelmed.  Resonant Healing is deeply informed by relational neuroscience, with the premise that we find self-connection, integration, and emergent possibilities when we are understood and met with warm curiosity.  

Clients tell me that I help them hold and be held in big feelings that have been too triggering and isolating when navigating alone.  Clients also say a result of our sessions is the discovery of emergent possibilities that hadn’t even been on their radar screen.

I support those I work with to experience:

  • A palpable sense of relief - like being able to exhale at last
  • Greater self- acceptance and self-generosity - like being able to tolerate being in one's own skin
  • A growing sense of wholeness and integration through increased access to a kaleidoscope of feelings, including sadness/mourning, anger, and joy - a way to feel the feelings and not be consumed by them
  • Increased access to genuine agency - more space between stimulus and response, leading to more choice

If you are longing for any of the above, please reach out for a 20 minute complimentary session.  

Sasha is honored to be a Certified Resonant Healing Practitioner, under the mentorship of Sarah Peyton.  She is also a Certified Transformational Coach through Evolving Wisdom/Institute of Woman-Centered Coaching, under the mentorship of Dr. Claire Zammit.  She is an empathy/movement facilitator and dance teacher with three decades' experience creating space for people to find integration and healing through embodiment, empathy, and expression. 


This work is not therapy and is not a substitute for therapy. It is meant for the exploration of emotional pain, intrusive memory, self-connection, and to support your brain in becoming a kinder place. If you have a more serious psychiatric diagnosis or if you have been considering suicide, this work is not clinically suited to your situation; please let me know if you need support in finding a qualified therapist.